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The World's Leading AI Tool for Handling Claims

Let AI and image recognition do the heavy job, while you focus on your customers.

Who is Autonet?

We offer a software service designed to streamline and automate the claims handling process for insurance companies and fleet operators. Our market-leading image recognition and AI-powered decision engine optimizes the claims process for vehicle damages. Our solutions help you close cases faster and at a lower cost - all while contributing to a more sustainable world!

Picture this: Snap 7 photos and get assistance in under 15 minutes.

Our software is designed to help insurance companies get their customers back on track faster, while also reducing their environmental footprint and contributing to a more sustainable world. By conducting a photo inspection of the car’s damage, we can avoid unnecessary trips to and from the workshop, saving valuable time for the customer and reducing emissions.

Step 1


The Autonet application launches through an SMS link, QR code, or website - no download needed! With guidance from our app, the customer takes photos of the damage and uploads them to Autonet.

Step 2


Through image recognition and AI, Autonet can estimate the damage and locate the workshop best suited to handle the case.

Step 3


Autonet automatically sends cases to the correct repair partners through extensive integrations. The workshop accepts the claim request, and schedule the repair together with the customer.

Step 4


As soon as the car gets uploaded into the system, the insurance company receives an estimated cost for repair, which minimizes administrative lead time.

Repair routing and cost estimation - what's included?

AI Vehicle Triage

Predict vehicle total loss with high accuracy in less than 3 minutes.

Workshop routing

Model decisions and sensitivity calibrated to your criteria.

Precise calculations

Instantly identify the severity of vehicle damage and map out the affected parts.

Guided mobile app

Easy-to-use mobile app that guides the policyholder to capture photos of the vehicle. Requires no download!

API Support

Comprehensive APIs for custom integration into client systems.

White label solution

The app can get branded according to your business and graphical identity.

Key benefits in real time numbers

Reduced lead time

~ 1 %

Autonet’s extensive data helps anyone who’s involved in the insurance process to review and approve the figures for the claim, cutting administrative lead time by up to 50%.  

Uploaded images 

~ 0 k

Based on over hundreds thousands of images from real life accidents, we custom the decision logic to your preference. Together we analyze how cases should have been dealt with and include the findings in the decision logic.


Saved emissions 

~ 0

In 2023, we spared 6000 kg of CO2 emissions by eliminating unnecessary trips to workshops. Our efficient solutions not only save time but also contribute to a greener, more sustainable future.

AI based on real-life cases

Thanks to its generative AI capabilities, our services constantly learns from both past and present cases, resulting in increasing accuracy and efficiency as it processes more claims. This enables insurance companies to provide faster customer care with fewer errors, making our solution market-leading and optimized for your business.

Currently, our data is derived from over 140,000 images of real-life damages and accidents. With new cases being uploaded daily, our AI engine’s decision logic will continue to improve.

Our products

AI Repair

Easier claims handling powered by AI

Estimate and Calculation Verification

Get closer to hitting the bulls eye


Be one step ahead

Let's talk!

Ready for smarter claims handling?
We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

Don’t hesitate to reach out – we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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Press release: Insurance industry utilizes AI for faster claims handling


Länsförsäkringar Västernorrland implements AI for vehicle damages


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