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Get closer to hitting the bulls eye

The easy way to more accurate estimates and calculations.

Get correct repair costs with estimate and calculation verification

Incorrect estimates and calculations can be both time-consuming and expensive. Autonet’s Estimate and calculation verification help insurance companies make sure that the estimates from repair parties are correct.

An hourly updated database verifies the part numbers, prices, and labor time specified in estimates. Autonet also automatically checks if the parts are original and suggests aftermarket or recycled parts if suitable.

By verifying the estimates and calculations, Autonet saves times for insurance companies while enabling the insurers to offer optimized prices to their customers.

Step 1


The customers’ claim gets sent to the best suitable party for repair, offering enriching details about the car and the damage.

Step 2


The repairer assesses the claim and calculates the cost, the needed parts, and labor time, before sending the estimate to the insurance company.

Step 3


Autonet verifies the estimate and calculation and makes sure that the correct and best-suited parts have been selected, as well as correcting time and price if needed.

Key features

Verify part numbers, prices and labor time.
Based on hourly updated data.
A sustainable choice: use aftermarket or recycled parts if suitable.

Benefits for you

Correct repair costs.
Clear communication with repair specialists.
Faster handling, leading to increased customer satisfaction.